Monday, August 17, 2009


Today is the official start date of my 12 week training for the half marathon! I "ran" yesterday with hubby and man were we wore out half way thru our 2 miles. We were nothin' but excuses! "It's so hot" "Yeah, and isn't it humid today?" "I should've drank more water" "Me too... and I shouldn't have eaten" "My foot hurts" "I have to poop" etc etc... So I run today and no excuses! I've hydrated pretty well and I'll have a quick snack soon to give me energy, I already pooped and I cut my toenail that was making my foot hurt!

There was a pop trivia quiz on Facebook and the first correct responder would win the entrance fee to their choice of races, well I didn't win.... BUT my cousin did and since she already paid for hers she is trying to see if they will give it to me :) Lucky lady huh?

So, today I run and tomorrow I write.

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